AWSOME DAY – Even With Pain!
When you have chronic pain is easy to feel like every day is chalked up to another same old same old. Though, there are days where the stars align, our pain levels are managed, and we have an awesome day. In the beginning, these days are rare – though with knowing a few tricks, you… Read the full article
9 Minute Pain Solution
9 Minute Pain Solution by Dr Chelsie
What The F#@% Is All The Cussing About?!
There have been a few articles and pop-media contributions about cussing and if it is good or bad and what it says about us as people. Basically it is simple and not easy. Pros: If you are a person who cusses (I admit I am). Then you are said to have a more honest communication,… Read the full article
Are People Siphoning Your Energy?
Even the most passionate, motivated, and energetic of us has a limited supply of energy – it’s time to see if others are siphoning your energy and if you are allowing it. We want to help others, but need to keep a balance between actually helping and enabling them or helping at a detriment to… Read the full article
Overwhelmed: By life or by your mind?
Are you overwhelmed by your situation or is your situation overwhelmed by you? Confusing, I know. Basically, the first thing therapists do when someone says they are overwhelmed is figure out if it is the situation that is stressful by nature (not enough time, too many roles/jobs in life, too high of expectations) or if… Read the full article
I can’t turn my brain off!!! Meditation Hacks.
Meditation sounds so hard – we picture a Buddhist Monk sitting peacefully, almost a trance-like-state under a tree and having a completely blank mind, void of all stressors or even minor discomfort. This can be intimidating and overwhelming when we then try to ”just” slow down and relax our minds and do what we “should”… Read the full article
Friend, Family, Teacher or Support of Someone Who Has Been Bullied, Abused or Hurt: What to do now that you know.
No matter your role as family, friend, religious leader, or teacher, know that being there is what matters. Remember your person is the SAME person they always were. Your person may even be an adult now, but they have not changed the core of who they are; thus tapping into what feels like your relationship… Read the full article
Parent of Someone Who Has Been Bullied, Abused or Hurt: What to do now that you know.
Remember your child is the SAME person they always were. Your child may even be an adult now, but they have not changed the core of who they are; thus tapping into what feels like your relationship – shared interests, hobbies, even favorite foods can be comforting and remind you of who they are inside… Read the full article
You Have Been Bullied, Abused or Hurt: What to do.
Something bad happened. It may have happened recently or a long time ago. Either way, it was not good and dealing with the mix of feelings, events, people, and even legal issues can be and will be hard. I want to help simplify the matter to what you can do and what to expect, I… Read the full article
Just Sharing or Non-Consensual Porn?: Sexting revisited
In a fun-loving moment you get a message with a sexy photo. Fun, cute, titillating, harmless. What you do with it, though, can be quite different. Non-Consensual Porn (NCP) is also known as “Revenge-Porn” due to it seeming to begin with Exs who would release videos and photos after the love affair has ended…. Read the full article