Initiating Sex
It is surprising to some people that initiating sex can be almost insurmountable to some – like the summit of Kilimanjaro. There seems to be an unwritten code or list of ways to get things going, but I have found that couples at ANY stage of the relationship may have a hard time starting sex,… Read the full article
Are People Siphoning Your Energy?
Even the most passionate, motivated, and energetic of us has a limited supply of energy – it’s time to see if others are siphoning your energy and if you are allowing it. We want to help others, but need to keep a balance between actually helping and enabling them or helping at a detriment to… Read the full article
Overwhelmed: By life or by your mind?
Are you overwhelmed by your situation or is your situation overwhelmed by you? Confusing, I know. Basically, the first thing therapists do when someone says they are overwhelmed is figure out if it is the situation that is stressful by nature (not enough time, too many roles/jobs in life, too high of expectations) or if… Read the full article