AWSOME DAY – Even With Pain!
When you have chronic pain is easy to feel like every day is chalked up to another same old same old. Though, there are days where the stars align, our pain levels are managed, and we have an awesome day. In the beginning, these days are rare – though with knowing a few tricks, you… Read the full article
Hot Sauce: Yummy or a pain in my neck?
Hot sauce contains capsaicin, a chemical that bins to the pleasure receptors in our mind and helps us feel pleasure more intensely. This sounds awesome. The problem is, there is some research, being pursued by Whipple and Komisaruk, that suggests that capsaicin is also sticky. It can block those receptor site as well. This then… Read the full article
I can’t turn my brain off!!! Meditation Hacks.
Meditation sounds so hard – we picture a Buddhist Monk sitting peacefully, almost a trance-like-state under a tree and having a completely blank mind, void of all stressors or even minor discomfort. This can be intimidating and overwhelming when we then try to ”just” slow down and relax our minds and do what we “should”… Read the full article